Winter Head to Head
On Saturday 26th January, Christ’s was represented by four boats in Winter Head to Head, a 2 x 2km race. The first leg of the race spans the 2km between the Railway Bridge and the A14 Bridge. Boats then spin at the bottom of the course and race over the same distance in the opposite direction.
W1 went into the race with the aim of staying calm and collected, focusing on getting the technique right so as to have a steady platform on which to apply power. We certainly stayed collected and responded well to calls. Our balance could have been more consistent and will be something to work on in the coming days as we strive to utilise our strength in the water. While we had a tailwind during our race downstream, the headwind of the second leg of the race gave us something to push against. We can be satisfied with our first race of the term, finishing with a time of 19:04.4 in a sternloader IV+ and we have found a solid base to build upon with the returners who have come back after a break during Michaelmas term.
After a successful training camp in Aiguebelette, M1 started the Lent term with only one change to their Michaelmas crew. We saw the race as an opportunity to test our speed early in the term. A strong tailwind made it difficult to find the connection in the first leg. The conditions were reversed in the second, particularly as we rowed around Ditton corner onto the reach where we faced a strong headwind. The boat was heavy but the crew continued to work hard against the wind. We finished with an overall time of 14:20..0, finishing 8th out of the college M1s. The crew are pleased with this early result but know that there is plenty more to come. Racing in such variable conditions has also been a valuable experience for all of the crew members.
W2 gave a strong performance to start the term, despite only being able to race for time due to having a male sub. We started off well, quickly settling into a good rhythm at a constant rate. The first 2k went by quickly, with everyone staying in time and not losing focus as a boat crashed in front of us. We started the second 2k tired but managed to keep the timing together. A reset call from our cox in the middle of the race brought our focus back into the boat and we overtook the boat in front of us, giving us the burst of motivation for the final stretch. We finished with a great time and are excited to see what we can do when we have the whole crew together.
M2 came into the race having only had 3 water sessions and a significantly altered crew from the previous term. However, despite this we were able to put in a good performance on which to build over the rest of the term. Led by Tara our cox and Sam at stroke, we set off on the first leg with a strong and consistent rhythm. Initially, the rowing was somewhat scrappy, however we adapted well and seemed to only get cleaner as we moved along the course, aided by the stream and a brisk tailwind. Upon, spinning at the lock, we prepared for the row back down the course and against the wind. Having had the practice of the first leg, we started the second a lot cleaner and everyone maintained good form despite the headwind. Upon entering the reach, we were gaining on both LMBC and Trinity Hall which only encouraged us to row harder and harder. Sam took the rate up for the final push and we finished with half a length overlap on Trinity Hall and nothing left in the tank in good preparation for bumps. We finished in a total time of 15:40.6, placing us 5th in our division.