Training Camp 2023 Fundraiser
Greetings from your CCBC Captain of Boats!
We’re very excited to start our camp fundraiser over the next few days (2nd – 4th September 2022) – together our students will erg, swim, bike and run a mighty 1111 km over three days. There are students taking part remotely around the world from Budapest to California, and of course in beautiful Cambridge.
Training camp was financially impossible last year due to increased costs – we’re looking to our community to help us raise £3000 to make camp possible again. This is an integral time for our novices and seniors to work together, improve technically and be ready for Lents. For those of you fortunate enough to have experienced a camp, you’ll know of the friendships formed, lasting memories and the shared hardship of terrible food! With the challenge of the last three years, we have sadly noticed the distinct absence of camp and its positive effect on the club.
Please donate to make camp happen – https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/21459
You can follow our progress on Instagram and we’ll be updating you on our progress via email.
Best water wishes,